Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Practice, my yoga

Since I'm going to be evaluating yoga classes I think it's important my reader's know where I'm coming from (all over the place?). If you read my bio, you saw that I am very active, creative and dynamic but maybe what you didn't gather is that as a college student and hyper, non-committal young adult coming from an upper-middle-class family I've had a lot of free time on my hands. Time that I like to think has been used very wisely to try and learn all manner of new things and see, in detail, various places. I think being from Los Angeles automatically makes you a transient, someone always on the move (or the go). I have traveled from Los Angeles to Vancouver uncountable times by plane and occasionally car and have stopped over at lots of awesome cities (San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Arcata, Tahoe, Portland, Seattle, Vegas, Burns etc.) sites and holes along the way. I also have traveled to Fort Collins, Colorado regularly throughout my life. And in all of these places over the last three years, I have at some point done or gone to yoga classes.

Yoga has seen me through the highs and the lows in the time it's been with me. It's given me a place to think, to let go and a place to let my body - my intuitive body - do the thinkin. Yoga's been a place to come home too. A place to feel like myself; to identify the comfortable, blissful, warm fuzzy feeling of being me. It's where I tune out the energy that's not mine and the energy which obstructs mine and return to "the path" (that's the translation of the word yoga for those of you who didn't know) and return to that feeling which belongs to each of us: being held in all the universe's love the sky holds the sun and the clouds...

My yoga over the past year has been greatly self-directed. I do a little bit almost everyday, I do podcasts, I do 15 minutes before work, I especially practice right after doing sports I find hard on the body like biking, snowboarding, sleeping or having been in an uncomfortable position for too long. Stretching and deep breathing really helps work out lactic acid, which is an evil thing I learned to avoid at all costs as a swimmer. And it helps numerous other things as well. Can you name a few? I'll start, yoga helps______________

-me LIVE by tapping me into the energy pooling around me in the moment. Living is NOT being under the guise of dreams from the past or worthless expectations for the future.

-make my ass stop hurting from my poorly shaped bike seat

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bri! Nice blog...I linked your blog to mine ( I was really into yoga about 3-4 years ago and have just started taking yoga classes again. Sounds like you are doing well in Canada!
